WHO is your God?
Jesus begins His teaching on prayer with the phrase “Our Father in heaven.” This begs the question, Who is Your God?

For Jesus, His God was His Father. Trustable. Faithful. Loving. One who should be obeyed. One who is wise. One who can do all things, provide all things, and protect all things. His closest most intimate relationship.

Who is YOUR God?
Do you know Him? Would you describe Him by what you have read in the Bible or by what you have experienced or both?

This is where Jesus instructs us to enter into prayer. By focusing our hearts and minds on the one we are praying to.

Who is your GOD?
For generations, ancient civilizations believed in greater beings, the gods as many cultures described them. Gods of war, gods of fertility, gods of prosperity, etc. And they believed they were real. They would worship them, pay homage to them, seek their blessings.

In the Greek Olympics athletes would compete with enthusiasm. This word was a compound of 2 greek words, en-theo, which simply meant “in god.” It could also be described as “inspired by a god.” For the Olympians, they sought to be filled or energized by their god before competing. The point here is, they truly believed their god was real and accessible and would bless them.

Jesus stated or implied continually in the Gospels that His God, His Father, was not only accessible, but was present with Him all the time. While His God was someone He read about in the Bible, He was also someone He knew and experienced in every aspect of His life.

This week, as I enter into my time of prayer, I am taking a moment to write out on paper who my God is. The one I have come to know in the scriptures and in my everyday life.

Bless God
