I have a prayer group that meets at my house on Monday evenings. It is a mix of learning about prayer and practicing prayer.

For the learning part of the evening we are reading through a book titled “Seven Guides to Effective Prayer,” by Colin Whittaker. It is seven short biographies of saints who left behind legacies of walking with God and answered prayer as a normal daily part of their lives. For the time we spend in prayer we have been using the Lord’s prayer as an outline for topical praying. Since this is new to everyone involved, we have not stayed on topic much as we bring our hearts before God.

Last week I asked the group to meditate on the Lord’s prayer from Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. To meditate on it from the standpoint of it being the instruction from Jesus Himself about how to pray. To meditate on it from the perspective of being a disciplined approach to prayer.

Tonight we will discuss this, practice this, and seek God’s blessing as we do.

Bless God
